 Prof. Hong He’s group has made an important progress in Cu-based small-pore zeolites utilized for NOx catalytic purification. The corresponding results have been published in the journal of the Appl. Catal. B (2020, 266, 118655 and 2020, 264, 118511), Catal. Sci. Tehhnol. (doi.org/10.1039), and Chem. Eng. J. (2020, 388, 124250).  Congratulations to Academician Hong He for winning the National Natural Science Award(second prize)2019!  Prof. Hong He's group got an important achievement in NH3 selective catalytic reduction of NOx (NH3-SCR). The related work “Polymeric vanadyl species determine the low-temperature activity of V-based catalysts for the SCR of NOx with NH3” was published in Science Advances.  At the invitation of academician of National Academy of Engineering and Professor David y. h. Pui of University of Minnesota, academician Hong He, researcher of Center for Eco-Environmental Science of CAS, and chief scientist of Center for Excellence in Regional Atmospheric Environment of CAS, visited University of Minnesota, and made outstanding scholar report (L.M. fingerson / TSI incorporated distinguished structure) in September 2019.  Congratulations to Professor Hong He for his election as a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017!  Congratulations to Professor Hong He on the He Liang He li Foundation Science and Technology Innovation Award 2017!  Congratulations to Professor Hong He for winning the National Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize) 2014!  Congratulations to Professor Hong He for winning the National Technology Invention Award (Second Prize) 2011!  The 6th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (6th ICEC) was held at Beijing from September 12 to September 15, 2010. The 6th ICEC received a total 475 submitted abstracts and welcomed 398 active participants came from 26 countries and regions. 133 oral presentations (including 16 keynote lectures) were arranged in 8 sessions. 10 participants from China, Germany, the Netherland, Italy and Turkey won the best posters award.
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Structural and hygroscopic changes of soot during heterogeneous reaction with O3
Yongchun Liu, Chang Liu, Junzhu Ma, Qingxin Ma, Hong He*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, (2010) 10896-10903.
Group of Environmental Catalysis and Green Chemistry
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